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Executive Partnership Members

NSCP published arrangements linked here.  This agreement sets out the decisions made by the defined statutory partners in Newham which are Newham Council, the Integrated Care Board and the Metropolitan Police, to implement the requirements of the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 in respect of how local safeguarding arrangements are organised. The Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance sets out what organisations and agencies who have functions relating to children must and should do to help, protect and promote the welfare of all children and young people under the age of 18 in England.

The chair of the Newham Children Safeguarding Executive Partnership is Laura Eden.

Membership of the NSCP is made up of senior representatives from statutory organisations in Newham; they include:

  • Children and Young People’s Services – Newham Council
  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • NHS Newham Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Education – 1 primary and 1 secondary Head Teacher

The NSCP also works in partnership with other bodies such as Health and Wellbeing Board, The Mayor of Newham’s Youth Safety Board

NSCP Executive Membership







Independent Scrutineer

Laura Eden

Corporate Director of Children and Young People, London Borough of Newham

Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QU

0203 373 30846

Korkor Ceasar

Associate Director for Safeguarding Children

NHS North East London Clinical Commissioning Group/ICS

North East London Health and Care Partnership

4th Floor, Unex Tower, 5 Station St, London E15 1DA 


Charles Clare

Detective Superintendent; Met Police

North East BCU (Newham & Waltham Forest)

Metropolitan Police Service

Matt Hipperson

Headteacher – St Luke’s CEVA Primary School

Ruscoe Road

Canning Town

E16 1JB

0207 476 3559

Sarah Morgan


Eastlea Community School

Eastlea Community School

London Borough of Newham

Pretoria Road

E16 4NP


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