Contact with front line staff and local residents
Newham Children’s Safeguarding Partnership is committed to listening to the views of the people who deliver and use our services and to acting on your ideas and feedback.
We would be very pleased to attend meetings with staff, parents and community groups to tell you more about the work of the Board and how you can get involved.
If you would like to arrange a visit to your team meetings please contact NSCPadmin@newham.gov.uk
Our NSCP team
Natalie Newton
NSCP Service Manager
Contact: Natalie.Newton@Newham.gov.uk
Elena Nicolaou
Safeguarding Children Workforce Development Lead
Contact: Elena.Nicolaou@Newham.gov.uk
Ashanti Spence
Safeguarding and Development Business Support Officer
Contact: Ashanti.Spence@Newham.gov.uk