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External Training Opportunities


A free, short, accessible course for all professionals working with children on Identifying and responding to intra-familial child sexual abuse

The introductory course takes just 90 minutes to complete, is entirely free and consists of three engaging modules, with interactive tasks, video explainers and a final assessment. It’s designed for professionals at all stages of their career; for those new to safeguarding, or as a helpful refresher.

Identifying and Responding to Intra-familar Child Sexual Abuse

Training Offer from The London Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP)

Discover a range of half-day and bite-size offers on our website at

Training and bookings – London Safeguarding Children Partnership (


Interactive E-Safety Resources


The Council for Disabled Children have designed two certificated learning modules to develop and enhance staff’s understanding and support of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

The first is for all staff – Level 2 SEND Basic Awareness e-learning.

By the end of the 60-90 minute training, you will understand the following:

  • What we mean by SEND
  • Key principles for working with CYP with SEND
  • Key processes which support CYP with SEND

Access from the link HERE

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