Newham’s Community Page
Please find the link to the community service directory below at the Early Help Partnership webpage:
Profile of Demography and Need in Newham:
- Newham has a population of 340,736 people (2016 estimate) and 83,832 children and young people under the age of 18, which makes up 24.6 % of the population.
- Newham has high levels of deprivation; it is ranked the 25th most deprived local authority area in England (based on the rank of extent of Indices of Multiple Deprivation. ).
- 19,700 children live in poverty in Newham. 17.6% of children in Newham live in out of work households, which is higher than the England average of 16.2 % but lower than the Inner London average of 19.9 %.
- The unemployment rate in Newham is higher than that its neighbours at 9.1%, compared with 6.4% and 5.1 % for Inner London and England respectively. Youth unemployment is higher than in Inner London at 7% compared with 6.4% (and 5.1% for England).
- The rate of young people without education, employment or training (NEET) is 3.7% (2015-16) and slightly higher than Inner London at 3.3% but lower than the NEET rate for England, which is 4.7%.
- Newham is a diverse population with 11% white British, 9% mixed ethnicity, 44% Asian or Asian British, 25% Black or Black British, and 3% White, based on 2011 census data.
- 40% of the population are Christian, 32% are Muslim, 8.8% are Hindu, 2.1% are Sikh, 1.2% are another religion, 9.5 % have no religion and 6.4% did not state their religion.
- For 70% of pupils in Newham, English is not their first language. This is higher than the Inner London average of 53.1% and the English average of 17.4%. 51.8% of the population were born abroad, with earlier immigration originating primarily from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and more recent immigration originating primarily from Romania, Bulgaria and India.
- Newham has a 20% population turnover every year. It is a densely populated Borough with 94.5 people living per hectare, which is a little lower than the Inner London average of 109.2.