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Boards and Sub-committees

The NSCP is made up of an Executive partnership two with sub-committees; Performance and  Quality and Assurance; & Safeguarding Children Practice Review Group. A Safeguarding Education Reference Group has recently been established. There is a joint group of adults and children’s safeguarding leads looking at all age exploitation across all services and under this group is a task & finish group focused on Modern Day Slavery.

The purpose of the NSCP Executive Group is to;

To coordinate what is done by each agency to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. To ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each agency and by agencies working together

The purpose of the Performance and  Quality and Assurance Group is to;

To develop and oversee a programme of multi-agency audits of practice
To provide scrutiny and challenge to partner agencies in regard to their statutory safeguarding arrangements, Including safeguarding data collection.

The purpose of the Safeguarding Children Practice Review Group is to;

To ensure that cases requiring a child safeguarding practice review or a local safeguarding review as set out in Working Together to Safeguarding Children 2018 are identified and progressed. To monitor and review action plans in order to ensure implementation of the learning and improvements identified. To have oversight of the training programme to ensure the lessons learnt from rapid reviews and or serious case reviews shared across the partnership

Newham Safeguarding Children Partnership is independently Chaired by Julia Stephens-Row.

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